Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Teabagger calls President Obama a fascist (but doesn't know why he thinks Obama is a fascist)

I didn't catch Columbia, SC's teabagging event like I said I wouldn't. One more reason besides the two I mentioned was that I was afraid that I would have been the only black person there - and one black amongst a big group of whites on an area where the Confederate Flag hangs and where there also exists a statue celebrating the life of an open racist (Ben Tillman) is not necessarily where I want to be.

I'm not saying that the folks there would have been automatically racist or anything like that. I just hate awkward juxtapositions.

Anyway, if you carry anything away from this interesting moment in American history, let it be this video courtesy of Daily Kos.

It's perfect representation of the teabaggers:

I've said it once and I will say it again - sheep looks much better on a dinner plate than they do being led on a leash by Fox News and the rest of the right. No offense to you vegetarians.

By the way, check out that link at Daily Kos for more teabagging fun.

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