Monday, August 10, 2009

PFOX wanting school libaries to stock its lies and other Monday midday news briefs

Library asked to stock 'ex-gay' literature - Stock it in the fiction section. I see PFOX has got its dirty mitts all over this

Marriage commission members take dim view of adoptions by same-sex couples - Cause every child has a right to live in a place with NO love.

Hundreds rally in SF against AIDS cuts - This is good. Raise some hell.

Billie Jean King and Harvey Milk to be honoured by Obama - King and Milk get their due this Wednesday. And other than Focus on the Family, the other religious right shoe hasn't dropped yet.

Rhode Island: NOM pollutes the state with its 'Marriage Day' on August 16 - Of course THOSE lgbts aren't invited. I say show up anyway with your families.

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