Thursday, October 08, 2009

Marriage equality battles heat up, more lies on Kevin Jennings, and other Thursday midday news briefs

Protect Maine Equality gets kudo points here! They took an anti-gay marriage lie and are attacking it head on.

And in other news:

Those who passed the bar vs. those who hope to pass a bar - The situation in Maine heats up as more than 350 lawyers are calling out the anti-gay marriage folks for misleading campaign ads.

Protect Marriage Washington just keeps the hits coming - Meanwhile, the anti-gay mariage folks in Washington are lying their socks off!

Barney Frank: March is "Useless," Lobby Politicians at Home - This is Barney Frank's opinion. To tell the truth, I am more in the middle than I was when this entire thing began. But hopefully more on that later . . .

Thugs attack two transvestites... who turn out to be cage fighters wearing fancy dress - Words cannot describe this.

AC 360: Dan Choi takes on anti-gay automaton Elaine Donnelly - Elaine Donnelly gets destroyed again.

Group wants Obama pick's resignation - One News Now lies on Kevin Jennings by running the discredited "Jennings counseled an underaged child to have sex with an adult" story. The phony news service says the child was 15, a week after this was proven to be wrong. I've already registered my comments. Feel free to register yours, but be polite.

HRC's goal - silence Christians, normalize sin - In that same vein, remember One News Now as one of the only few places which takes Peter LaBarbera seriously.

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