Tuesday, May 06, 2014

'NOM's $20,000 House Negro accuse lgbts of 'murdering' America' & other Tuesday midday news briefs

William Owens
NOM's ally, March For Marriage co-sponsor: Gay people are *this close* to murdering America - According to Jeremy Hooper - "The Coalition of African-American Pastors is a National Organization For Marriage affiliate, it's a co-sponsor of NOM's upcoming March for Marriage, and its leader, Willie Owens, is one of NOM's religious liaisons." Of course that omits the fact that Owens and CAAP is an astroturfed front group still seeking to divide lgbts and African-Americans on the subject of marriage equality, Owens's participation in the original Civil Rights Movement is highly questionable, and last but not least, Owens is bought-and-paid for by NOM to the tune of $20,000 plus. Who knew House Negroes were so expensive?

Ronan Farrow Calls Out Right-Wing “Scare Tactics” About Trans-Inclusive Bathrooms - About time someone else did. Now we need more folks doing the same. A lot more folks.  

How Straight Promiscuity Now Explains Why Same-Sex Couples Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Marry - I should get angry at this, but audacity of the argument makes me want to pull up a chair, fire up a cigar and grab a glass of wine while I read it.  

Beverly Hills Hotel Boycotted Over Brunei's Sharia Penal Code - More power to them cause we lgbts are too pretty to be stoned to death. 

Gordon Klingenschmitt Says Supporting ENDA Is 'Blasphemy' And 'Full Perversion' - Don't you just love anti-gay spokespeople who are more full of outrage than actual knowledge of our system of government. Dear Klingenschmitt, the filibuster doesn't exist in the House of Representatives.

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